Ad Personam

Ad Personam is only available to a few customers, giving them, the privilege of creating personal jewel, unique and special, distinctive for each, which is not transmissible or can not be renewed for others.

HERDA house offers a unique experience by making a special and close collaborations between, designer, artist and client.

This specially-commissioned pieces are  designed and crafted with an unmistakably exquisite personality.

This creations of unique design are adapted to the  style personality and taste of the client, evoking emotion and the passion for details of the artist.

“A unique custom experience, taking you back,
to the times when luxury was truly exclusive”

“Authenticity is the secret to creating value.
My creations are authentic and full of symbols
of italian cultural value and offer an aura of exclusivity.

This is the Power of HERDA Identity.”

Luxury Concierge Services